Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Well it's Tuesday and I'm at home. My knee is kicking my butt today. So, while I'm trying to stay off of it for the day I thought I should be productive with my free time.

My post today involves a mini watercolor I completed sometime last week. I was going to do it this weekend, but I get easily distracted like any other artist haha.
In case y'all didn't know, I love patterns and text. So, why not put them together. I was inspired by a color palette from the 50's while searching through patterns. I wanted the word to be something you wouldn't expect for the pattern. My awesome friend, Elaine, helped me come up with choosing the right word. She knows how much I love the word, Ravish. As soon as she said it, I was like that's it! That's the one!
 On that happy note, here is my small work and its process.

Process Pics

 pencil, gouache and ink

Ravish 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thank You

I guess I should post something. I have been doing some small works while getting things ready for school. I've been trying to wrap my mind around moving out of Texas. I am excited but so nervous at the same time. It's such a crazy feeling. It's been my home all my life. I can't wait to experience all North Carolina has to offer. I am so excited.

Any who, back to the things I want to post for you guys. I have added to my collection of name drawings.
The first is the name Sarah in the silhouette of Ariel from The Little Mermaid.

 The second is the name Katharine in the form of a weird looking alien dude. I like him in all his grossness.

I made this little ink drawing as a thank you card to a sweet friend, who's made a great impact on my life. I felt buying a card to give her was just not enough of a thank you.

Well that is all for today. I will try and post again sometime this weekend. Have a good one!