Thursday, October 13, 2016


Fall break starts this weekend. I'm going camping for the first time in North Carolina and I am very excited to see new things! I haven't been camping in a long time and the last time I did go camping it was like 92 degrees at night. Camping up north will be a lot different, I'm very excited to go.
Any who, I'm in the studio currently and was working on some things, but didn't realize I'm out of the spices I've had here. So, I decided to work on another post.

With these small works, I have been thinking of how to create patterns using the mixture and why. While working on the test studies in the previous post, it started thinking about patterns from blankets we used growing up and learning how to embroider with my mom. So, I felt it was only necessary to continue with the influences of home, leading to this next step in my work.



Patterns relating to quilts

Piecing studies together

 Did a study how many people notice small works in everyday settings. About two out of every thirty people actually noticed, and out of the other 28, 12 of them were on their phones. Just random stats. At some point, I want to show a larger piece to see the difference on how many people notice the works at different scales.

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