Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Okay, so I am actually going to show you some work today. I have a couple of studies(just further experimenting with mediums) leading to my current ideas, but it is still in a stage of experimentation. I am doing things I would have never thought. There are so many ways to go. My brain is on overload, but in a good way. I'm in the process of making some small works that may lead to a larger work. I am considering this work to be more of an installation piece, but that it is still a ways off before I decide what to do. It will probably change again. This post has actually been a draft over the past three weeks. I wanted to get a little more done before I posted the progress. Now I just need to keep working.

Thoughts while creating First round of studies
What is left behind?
What materials should I use?
Why must it be a flat surface?
What else can I use outside of normal "art" materials?

First stages of studies:
Top study: Leftovers of past works
Second: velum, medium, ink, tape and texture tape
Third: Matte medium and chili powder
Last: Gel medium, matte medium, and garlic powder adhered to plexiglass

After creating a couple of works while thinking of these questions. One stood out, using what we don't consider as "art material." It played a vital roll in the material I chose to work with. I really missed being home and it had an affect on everything I was doing. When I was thinking of things I wanted to use in my work, it had to relate to home. I asked myself, what do I really miss the most about home? It all lead to the smells of home. The familiar smells of home you don't realize how much you need them until they are not the norm in your daily routine. The smell I miss most is walking into the house and having the smell of food surround your senses as you open the front door. Then I thought about the food itself. It led me to the spices used in one of the main dishes, enchiladas and rice, we make at home. The three spices, Chili powder, cumin, and garlic powder stood out, without them these meals wouldn't be same.

So with this, I started to experiment.

 Chili powder mixed with gel medium


During the process of experimentation, the artist Jaq Chartier was mentioned to me. Her work involves testing materials, how they react with each other, how they are affected by light, and the passage of time. Researching her made me think about measuring the amount of spice used in the medium. I made ratio mixtures, starting with a teaspoon of spice to a half a cup of medium, and then reduce the spice by 1/3 giving a shift in opacity and color within each spice. This where the next round of experimentation started.


These guys are just a couple of random studies using other materials I am interested in using but not for my current idea.

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