Saturday, October 31, 2015

Three more

Well I have realized I am a terrible blogger and should never say when I am going to post. I should just give up saying I'm going to update right away. I get so distracted and I don't get on the computer very often. The two make a bad mix for being blog productive. Oh well, I am here now and trying to have a productive day before I head out for some family fun this evening. Just going to post a couple of works.

These guys are part of the abstract series but have something a little different about them. Since the series is based on memories with a particular person, I decided to gather words and phrases they associate with me. I used them creating the work because each piece is essentially a self-portrait. I also feel each person should have a role in how they have had an impact in my life through my work. I found this is a good way to contribute in a subtle way and not overpower the composition. I tried to allow the text to flow, give them their own space, and kept them within the color schemes chosen for each piece. The text is not very visible in one, but I enjoy knowing they are there, and you really have to observe the work to find them.

 I'm not sure if I like the way they are displayed. I may frame them out later, but for now this is how they are currently installed.

Ink, Paint, and Acrylic medium on plexiglass

Ink, Paint, and Acrylic medium on plexiglass

Ink, Paint, and Acrylic medium on plexiglass

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