Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Move & A Baby Blanket

Hello fellow bloggers sorry I haven't posted in a while. I know I'm no frequent updater, but it has been a lot longer than I'd like. I just haven't really had the time to make much since I've been busy with moving. I am about to start school, so I will have no reason not to post updates more often. I will be working a lot more.

Any who, I am here in my new home in Greensboro, North Carolina preparing for grad school WOOT!! It is exciting & scary at the same time. I wont have much time to think about it once school starts, though.

I do have something to post today. I've been working on this for a while, while I could in the process of moving. I made another baby blanket for a friend. She has always been a huge fan of Pokémon. So it was only fitting to make it with here favorite Pokémon, lapras, pidgeot, arcanine, & blastoise.

The process

Everything is hand stitched.
No sewing machine on this blanket.

The finished product!

Just putting ties in so the batting wont move as much.

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