Saturday, November 14, 2015


Merp! It's Saturday and it's going to be a long work day. I don't think I remember signing up for 12 hour shifts. Oh well, I'll just tell myself I get more money(not much haha), even though I'd rather not stand another 4 hours. I will be positive today. Send me good vibes.

Any who, back to today's post. So, The work I am going to post today is a commission piece completed this year. It was a difficult piece to work on for me because the subject passed away at the age of four. I didn't know him, but I couldn't help but think about someone so young being gone. It really is hard to wrap ones mind around such tragic events. My heart breaks for those who lose babies. No one should have to endure the loss of child.

With this work, I really wanted to get the personality of his face he expresses in the picture. I really hope I accomplished my intention for the work. I did get good feedback from the family. So that is all I could ask for when completing something so personal to the recipient.

Watercolor on paper

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