Monday, September 21, 2015


Finally back. Busy weekend for me, so glad it's Monday(my day off). Too bad I don't have two days in row off of work. That would be great. One day when I'm all growed up. As for now, I'll just be kind of an adult. :)) Who am I kidding, I'll always be a child.
These two works I'm going to post are of family. I want you to be able to see the image but I like to make them discernable through acrylic layers, colors and materials. I want the materials to be visible and just as important as the image itself. I want to create a feeling of depth with mediums, show emotion through color and materials, and as a whole to give the work a feeling of the past. I want the work to look like how I feel over time, our memories fade in our minds. You see it and remember it, but it's never exactly like the moment it happens. Time takes away the clarity of what we visually see from the moments we hold close to us.
(Painting one)


Nathan and Ava
Charcoal, ink, paint, and medium on canvas

Pastel layer

Building texture with medium :)

The Boy
Ink, pastels, graphite, acrylic medium on panel
This third work I'm posting is just a study using watercolor. I always like to practice my skills in water media. It's nice to work in different ways.
Isaac & Emma
Watercolor on paper

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